Publicly Advocate for BC’s Public Libraries

Friends of the Library have always been indispensible supporters of the BC public library system and its most vocal champions. Your dedication over the years is a major part of why the public library system in BC has become as great as it is. You have always supported and advocated for the BC public library system, and for that British Columbians thank you.

We need now need your help more than ever. There have been strong indications that the Province has decided to stop providing the traditional operating grants that fund collaborative province-wide programs. This funding may be cut from the current and subsequent budgets and without this funding there will be significant cuts or elimination of these programs and services you have fought tirelessly for, including:

  • Open Access – In 2008, open access to library collections resulted in more than 5.4 million items being borrowed between communities, creating substantial provincial cost savings by borrowing rather than buying duplicate books.
  • Online Resources – BC residents have 24/7 online access to hundreds of online full text magazines and databases purchased cooperatively by BC libraries. This saves significant tax payer dollars and ensures that BC’s rural and remote citizens have the same access to information available in BC’s larger centres.
  • AskAway – A collaborative reference service provided by BC libraries. Residents can get free quality help with research on any topic or question from experienced librarians and library technicians.
  • BC OneCard – The BC OneCard program ensures that no matter where you are in BC you have access to local libraries and library services for free by showing your home library card and photo identification.
  • Literacy Programming – Babies and kids around BC can maintain and enhance their literacy skills at all BC public libraries with the BC Summer Reading Club and Books for BC Babies. Both programs are offered free of charge and ensure that all children in BC have the opportunity to develop their reading skills.

Let the Provincial Government Hear Your Voice

These essential services must be protected for the benefit of all BC residents. Here is what you can do to help save funding for BC’s public libraries. Voice your opinion proudly and show your unwavering support for BC public libraries by joining and helping to promote the campaign to stop these cuts. Encourage everyone you know to do any or all of the following:

  • Promote this site as a place to join the campaign to and speak out again funding cuts to BC’s public libraries.
  • Join the postcard campaign by signing and mailing a postcard to the Hon. Premier Gordon Campbell. Hand these postcards out and ask others to also sign and send one. You may get postcards from your local library.
  • Advocate by calling and/or sending a letter to your local BC Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) and/or the Minister of Education, Hon. Margaret MacDiarmid
  • Send a letter to the local newspaper editor stating your support for continued provincial operating grants for BC public libraries.

Utilize the Toolkit

Here you will find the support tools you need to get your patrons involved in the campaign to stop public library cuts in BC. Click on the links below to download and print the postcard, posters, talking points and more.

Current News Coverage of BC Public Libraries